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Setting the record straight.

Sun, January 6, 2002
By: tothfans
Did anyone see the recent sketch that was up for sale on eBay a few weeks back claiming to be a "Toth self-portrait"? Well, Dave Cook, a personal friend of Alex's, has a keen eye and suspected that it was not true. So in order to set the record straight Dave decided to go right to the source for the answer. Check out Alex's response here.

Plus, keep watching the site for a very special contribution from Dave coming up soon!

Alex Toth Designed Toys?

Wed, December 12, 2001
By: tothfans
Yep it's true. Folks may have seen some Space Ghost toys in the past, but believe it or not there are now action figures of the "Space Ghost Sidekicks" .

Do they mean Jan and Jace? How about Blip? Nope! It's the sidekicks from "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast", Brak, Zorak and Moltar.

Is "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast" a travesty to Alex's work or a great show? Do these these toys represent over-commercialization or cool collectable? Discuss this in the Toth fans forums.

Another question - can you even call plastic action figures priced at $39.99 "toys"?

Gallery Problems

Tue, December 11, 2001
By: tothfans
Unfortunately, there were some problems with the new Gallery so the code has been rolled back to the last version. Please feel free to e-mail or post comments in the "Website Feedback" section of the forums if you have any issues or problems with the site and they will be addressed as soon as possible. Thank you. --Jeff

Gallery Update

Tue, December 11, 2001
By: tothfans
The Gallery has been updated with both new Art and a cleaned up interface. Also, the Gallery is now broken down into four categories for your perusal - Animation, Comic Art, Sketches and Other. Check them out here...Gallery

TOTHFANS.DYNU.COM is now online!

Thu, October 18, 2001
By: tothfans
Welcome fellow Toth fans to TOTHFANS.DYNU.COM, the web sit site devoted exclusively to Alex Toth and his works. There are few artists who have created as deep and long lasting contribution to graphic storytelling Alex Toth, thus we created this web site to honor his contributions to illustration and animation.

In order to keep the web site interesting and engaging, TOTHFANS.DYNU.COM will be scanning and posting a new page each and every day from Alex Toth’s comic book work through out the years.

We created this web site because we wanted to share our enthusiasm and admiration for Toth and his work as well as to give fans a place to gather and share their own ideas and passion. TOTHFANS.DYNU.COM has forums for discussion, a gallery of various sketches and Toth artwork as well as news and articles.

We are also looking for contributions of all sorts, including scans of art work, comic pages and articles as well. Since TOTHFANS.DYNU.COM is for all us fans, please feel free to participate and help it grow into a community and location for fans to gather and appreciate Toth's work. E-mail us at

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