News (Official Alex Toth website )

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It's Official! New URL! Updates!

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sat, October 5, 2002 / 12:10am CDT in News

SPECIAL ANOUNCMENT: It's official folks. Alex has given his blessing to the site! From now on 'Toth Fans' is the one and only "Official" Alex Toth website! A special thanks needs to go out to Dave Cook and John Hitchcock. Without them it never would have happened. Thanks guys!So in celebration we have a new URL too! No more goofy URL that you have to bookmark to remember just type -

Toth: 'Sez me'

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sat, December 7, 2002 / 12:12am CST in News

Ever wonder what tools Toth uses to put his masterful lines down on paper with? Well wonder no more as Toth has send along a nice letter filled with 'doodles' and "Tool Talk"

Annotated Unreal!

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sun, September 8, 2002 / 12:09am CDT in News

The "Annotated Unreal!" is now online. Toth is really starting to get into the swing of it now. Check it out..."The Annotated Unreal! "

Annotated Survival!

      Contributed by:tothfans on Tue, August 20, 2002 / 12:08am CDT in News

All right, I'm sure everyone is super disappointed that I have not yet posted my San Diego Comicon 2002 report, right? But I figured that I had had a choice - 1.) Do my Con report or 2.) Post a new installment of one of Toth's Annotated stories. So here it is from John H. and the hand of Toth - "The Annotated Survival! " Will you ever forgive me...?

Annotated "The Monument"

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sun, July 14, 2002 / 12:07am CDT in News

The latest installment of "THE ANNOTATED TOTH" as been posted! In this installment John and Alex discuss The Monument." Enjoy!

"White Devil...Yellow Devil!" Annotated

      Contributed by:tothfans on Mon, June 24, 2002 / 12:06am CDT in News

John has sent us the latest installment of "THE ANNOTATED TOTH". This time Alex and John cover the classic White Devil...Yellow Devil!"I'm in the process of trying to figure out how I want to handle the display of these great pages, so please accept my apologies for the poor design. I will be working on a new one as soon as I can.

A Community Helping Out and Gallery Update

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sun, June 16, 2002 / 12:06am CDT in News

-A Community Helping Out-As reported by Steve Lieber on our Forums, Comic creator Bill Loebs and his wife are going through some very tough financial times right now, and folks all over the web are pitching in to help them get

'The Annotated Toth' presents 'Daddy and the Pie'

      Contributed by:tothfans on Wed, June 5, 2002 / 12:06am CDT in News

All right Toth fans, it's official now! Alex's first official 'The Annotated Toth' contribution has been posted in the "Articles" section! This month Alex annotates 'Daddy and the Pie'. We all hoped that he would participate to the site and now our wish has come true. I'm sure I speak for all us Toth Fans by thanking John

Toth Notes

      Contributed by:tothfans on Tue, May 28, 2002 / 12:05am CDT in News

Here are some great notes from the hand of Alex in response to some of the dialogues going on in the 'Forums' here at 'Toth Fans'. Check them out here.

May Gallery Update

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sun, May 26, 2002 / 12:05am CDT in News

It's time for another Gallery update. This month we have included a new version of the Zorro drawing that was in the April Gallery. Toth added some shading to the new drawing so you can now compare the 'clean line' with the shaded

New Pages For 'The Annotated Toth'

      Contributed by:tothfans on Fri, May 24, 2002 / 12:05am CDT in News

Another great group of pages annotated by Toth has been posted in the "Articles" section. This time, Toth annotates the classic "Kui" story published by Warren Publishing. Also a bonus page from 'Bravo for Adventure'.

April Gallery Update

      Contributed by:tothfans on Tue, April 30, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

The Gallery has been updated with nine new drawings. It contains new Toth Art provided by Dave Cook including a stunning new Batman drawing! You can find it under the April2002 section in the Gallery.Update! - Just added a drawing to the Gallery April2002 update that will silence any

The Annotated Toth - Continued

      Contributed by:tothfans on Fri, April 26, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

Dave Cook recently started a topic thread in the Forums about having Alex himself get involved here at 'Toth Fans'. Although it has not yet happened, during the discussions John Hitchcock mentioned that it would be a good idea to send Alex photocopies of pages for reference. Dave Cook responded back that he done this in the past and offered to scan these examples in to be posted here. Dave also

The Annotated Toth

      Contributed by:tothfans on Thu, April 25, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

The cult of the Auteur rules in the film world. With the advent and mass acceptance of the DVD format, directors commentary on films has become a commonplace occurrence. These commentaries can provide more than just background on a film, instead they can provide a deep look inside the filmmakers vision and thought process as well as give the history and story behind the film.What does all this

More Art for sale or Alex Toth Auction Helps a Friend - Part II

      Contributed by:tothfans on Tue, April 23, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

After the success of the last Art sales, Alex has requested that more of his Art go up for auction to help out his friend. For fear of repeating myself, see the news article posted on 4/11/02. This time the auction contains such notable characters as Zorro,

Noel Sickles Interview in the Journal

      Contributed by:tothfans on Wed, April 17, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

The new April 2002 Comics Journal contains an interview with Toth's favorite artist Noel Sickles. The interview was conducted by Gil Kane, Ron Goulart and Dick Higgins back in 1973. And that's not all! There is a 'Tothfans' connection as well as one of our very own 'Tothfans' community members

Alex Toth Auction Helps a Friend

      Contributed by:tothfans on Thu, April 11, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

At this point regular visitors to the site have only seen E-bay auctions make the news here if they were busting fraudulent Toth art. However, five special auctions have started on E-bay that were requested by Alex himself. According to the listing, "They're being sold at

Alex Toth Named 7th Most Influential Comic Artist of All Time

      Contributed by:tothfans on Thu, April 11, 2002 / 12:04am CDT in News

This months Wizard Magazine named Alex Toth number 7 in an article listing the "10 Most Influential Comic Book Artists of All Time". Toth is listed along with fellow legends like Will Eisner and Jack Kirby. According to the writer of the article Jim McLauchlin, "Only one thing counted when choosing our top 10: influence."Alex making a

Setting the record straight - part II

      Contributed by:tothfans on Mon, April 1, 2002 / 12:04am CST in News

Some folks may remember back in early January of this year when Dave Cook spotted some art for sale on which was being erroneously credited to the Master himself. Well, Dave recently found some more art for auction which also looked suspicious. In an effort to again set the record straight and find out the

Rare Toth on the Web.

      Contributed by:tothfans on Thu, February 21, 2002 / 12:02am CST in News

If you read the 'Forums' here on 'Toth Fans', you may have seen Dylan Williams' post about Toth's rare "Tom Mix" give-away on his Mort Meskin website.To follow Dylan's Mort Meskin example, perhaps 'Toth Fans' could use some more personal

Cool 70's Toth Story posted online.

      Contributed by:tothfans on Tue, February 19, 2002 / 12:02am CST in News

Jeff Parker posted Toth's "If I Were King" story from "Red Circle Sorcery #9" on his website. While you are there, do yourself a favor and check Jeff's art as well!

February Gallery Additions

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sun, February 17, 2002 / 12:02am CST in News

Not many updates over the last month, so I thought I would pop up some new additions to the 'Gallery'.

Also, 'Toth fans' is always looking for submissions of all sorts. Please contact me at if your interested in contributing!

Find the Galley updates here. Enjoy!

Cook Collection added to the Gallery

      Contributed by:tothfans on Wed, January 16, 2002 / 12:01am CST in News

Dave Cook, a close personal friend of Alex's, has shared some incredible sketches and drawings from the master himself. These sketches come from Dave's personal correspondences with Alex which were included in letters and drawn on the back of postcards. There are a great variety of subjects and contain several gems, including an awesome Zorro sketch and believe it or not, Alex's interpretation of

Toth at Atlas/Seaboard - now on the stands!

      Contributed by:tothfans on Thu, January 10, 2002 / 12:01am CST in News

Check out issue #16 of COMIC BOOK ARTIST magazine for another fine 'Before I Forget" letter. In this issue Alex writes about his work for Atlas/Seaboard comics in the 70's. It includes the true origin of the Toth written-and-drawn "Vanguard" story that appeared in HOT STUFF #4 and reprinted in ALEX TOTH: BLACK AND WHITE. And just

Setting the record straight.

      Contributed by:tothfans on Sun, January 6, 2002 / 12:01am CST in News

Did anyone see the recent sketch that was up for sale on eBay a few weeks back claiming to be a "Toth self-portrait"? Well, Dave Cook, a personal friend of Alex's, has a keen eye and suspected that it was not true. So in order to set the record straight Dave decided to go right to the source for the answer. Check out Alex's response here.Plus,